Keeping the kids (and yourself!) sane this school holiday!
The end of year school holidays can be a difficult time for kids and parents – 6/7 weeks is a long time to keep everyone happy when there is no school, homework, projects, or extra-curricular activities happening. We’ve scoured the internet, and raided the minds of Mums and Dads to come up with a list of ideas for you to keep your kids entertained these holidays without losing your mind in the process!
Fun at home:
- Set up arts and crafts stations – paint, paper, glue, colouring books, markers, see ArtSpace for some inspiration!
- Create a variety show together! Build costumes out of things you have around the house, write a script, learn your lines, practice dance routines and songs, then put on a show for each other!
- Have themed days - where everyone dresses up, creates a skit about, or learns more about the selected theme: butterflies, cars, modern art, or anything else you can possibly imagine.
- Buy notebooks for the children and have them record their school holiday adventures – if your kids are into crafts, they can make them into scrapbooks, collecting different items to insert each day.
- Plant a small herb/vegetable garden and watch it grow – give the plants names, to help the children engage a little more in their growth (Herbert, Harold, Caroline and Janine are all good, strong plant names).
- Have children create new superheroes, making costumes from things they find around the house.
- Make sure to include some quiet time – read a book, either together or alone, watch a DVD, or take a nap!
- Set weekly/daily objectives – giving the children something to focus on will help the day go faster, and will result in less “I’m boooooored” moments.
- If you’re looking for some fun activities that will continue to stimulate learning, why not check out our specially selected range of STEAM products that will keep them occupied for hours!
Out and about:
- Visit as many local parks as you can – Take a photo in each one, and create a ‘Parks we visited this holiday’ memory book.
- Coordinate playdates and sleepovers for children with other Mums and Dads – teamwork is vital if you all want to make it through this holiday!
- Day trips – plan out a few trips that will take up most of the day – visit a nice beach or reserve and pack a picnic lunch, or go for the good old fashioned Kiwi fish and chips option.
- Find local kids programmes - whether your children are into performing arts, sports, or just socialising there are a myriad of programmes out there.
- Create a photo diary – take photos every day that you can collate into an album at the end of the holiday and have it printed to show everyone.
- Go for nature walks, take photos of things the children can’t identify, and then have them do some research when you get home.
- Visit the local museum – at the beginning tell each child to remember three things that interested them, or that they didn’t know before, and get them to share that with the group at the end of the day.
- Visit your local library – Spend time looking for books from your favourite authors, find a quite spot and read to each other, or simply get some books to take on holiday with you. If your local library runs a kids holiday programme you could also leave the kids while you grab a coffee at the local café.
- Go to the local pool/beach for a cool off.
- Look for ways to contribute to the community – there are always volunteer programs looking for helpers.
- Go for a bike ride.
- Catch a bus/train/tram!
- Visit your local Zoo/animal park – learn as much as you can about the different animals and where they come from.
- Check out your local council website to find out about what other activities may be happening in your area, and plan to attend a few of them throughout your holiday.
And for those rainy days:
- Play board games.
- Binge watch the Harry Potter Collection.
- Go for a drive.
- Bake a cake or cupcakes.
- Build a fort in the lounge using old bed sheets.
- Watch a hip hop dance video or musical theatre number and try to learn all the steps/songs.
Are you ready for Back to School?
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